仕様の原文 / 著作権表記
Translation Copyright © 2001/01/20 Ginga

13 November, 2000

Appendix C: ECMAScript言語バインディング

この附記にはレベル2 ドキュメントオブジェクトモデル イベント定義のための、完全なECMAScript [ECMAScript] バインディングが含まれている。

備考: 例外処理はStandard ECMA-262 3rd Edition ([ECMAScript])に準拠したECMAScriptの実装でのみサポートされている。

Object EventTarget
The EventTarget object has the following methods:
addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture)
This method has no return value.
The type parameter is of type String.
The listener parameter is a EventListener object.
The useCapture parameter is of type Boolean.
removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture)
This method has no return value.
The type parameter is of type String.
The listener parameter is a EventListener object.
The useCapture parameter is of type Boolean.
This method returns a Boolean.
The evt parameter is a Event object.
This method can raise a EventException object.
Object EventListener
This is an ECMAScript function reference. This method has no return value. The parameter is a Event object.
Prototype Object Event
The Event class has the following constants:
This constant is of type Number and its value is 1.
This constant is of type Number and its value is 2.
This constant is of type Number and its value is 3.
Object Event
The Event object has the following properties:
This read-only property is of type String.
This read-only property is a EventTarget object.
This read-only property is a EventTarget object.
This read-only property is of type Number.
This read-only property is of type Boolean.
This read-only property is of type Boolean.
This read-only property is a Date object.
The Event object has the following methods:
This method has no return value.
This method has no return value.
initEvent(eventTypeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg)
This method has no return value.
The eventTypeArg parameter is of type String.
The canBubbleArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The cancelableArg parameter is of type Boolean.
Prototype Object EventException
The EventException class has the following constants:
This constant is of type Number and its value is 0.
Object EventException
The EventException object has the following properties:
This property is of type Number.
Object DocumentEvent
The DocumentEvent object has the following methods:
This method returns a Event object.
The eventType parameter is of type String.
This method can raise a DOMException object.
Object UIEvent
UIEvent has the all the properties and methods of the Event object as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The UIEvent object has the following properties:
This read-only property is a AbstractView object.
This read-only property is a long object.
The UIEvent object has the following methods:
initUIEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg)
This method has no return value.
The typeArg parameter is of type String.
The canBubbleArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The cancelableArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The viewArg parameter is a AbstractView object.
The detailArg parameter is a long object.
Object MouseEvent
MouseEvent has the all the properties and methods of the UIEvent object as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The MouseEvent object has the following properties:
This read-only property is a long object.
This read-only property is a long object.
This read-only property is a long object.
This read-only property is a long object.
This read-only property is of type Boolean.
This read-only property is of type Boolean.
This read-only property is of type Boolean.
This read-only property is of type Boolean.
This read-only property is of type Number.
This read-only property is a EventTarget object.
The MouseEvent object has the following methods:
initMouseEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg, screenXArg, screenYArg, clientXArg, clientYArg, ctrlKeyArg, altKeyArg, shiftKeyArg, metaKeyArg, buttonArg, relatedTargetArg)
This method has no return value.
The typeArg parameter is of type String.
The canBubbleArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The cancelableArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The viewArg parameter is a AbstractView object.
The detailArg parameter is a long object.
The screenXArg parameter is a long object.
The screenYArg parameter is a long object.
The clientXArg parameter is a long object.
The clientYArg parameter is a long object.
The ctrlKeyArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The altKeyArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The shiftKeyArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The metaKeyArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The buttonArg parameter is of type Number.
The relatedTargetArg parameter is a EventTarget object.
Prototype Object MutationEvent
The MutationEvent class has the following constants:
This constant is of type Number and its value is 1.
This constant is of type Number and its value is 2.
This constant is of type Number and its value is 3.
Object MutationEvent
MutationEvent has the all the properties and methods of the Event object as well as the properties and methods defined below.
The MutationEvent object has the following properties:
This read-only property is a Node object.
This read-only property is of type String.
This read-only property is of type String.
This read-only property is of type String.
This read-only property is of type Number.
The MutationEvent object has the following methods:
initMutationEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, relatedNodeArg, prevValueArg, newValueArg, attrNameArg, attrChangeArg)
This method has no return value.
The typeArg parameter is of type String.
The canBubbleArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The cancelableArg parameter is of type Boolean.
The relatedNodeArg parameter is a Node object.
The prevValueArg parameter is of type String.
The newValueArg parameter is of type String.
The attrNameArg parameter is of type String.
The attrChangeArg parameter is of type Number.


  // Given the Node 'exampleNode'

  // Define the EventListener function
  function clickHandler(evt) 
    // Function contents 

  // The following line will add a non-capturing 'click' listener
  // to 'exampleNode'. 
  exampleNode.addEventListener("click", clickHandler, false);      

仕様の原文 / 著作権表記
Translation Copyright © 2001/01/20 Ginga